Sleek Technique is an online ballet-based fitness method that helps women all over the globe sculpt a long, lean,dancer-like physique, regardless of their location. There is a library of over 100 super effective body-shaping workout videos, targeted weekly programmes to suit any level as well as live online group classes with the founder’s Victoria Marr and Flik Swan.
Friends since the age of 11, the girls met when they started full-time dance training at one of the world’s top ballet schools. As their friendship continued to grow, their careers also went from strength to strength, from Broadway to West End and as a First Soloist in the Birmingham Royal Ballet. After long successful pro dance careers, they founded their online company, Sleek Technique.
They were the first company in the UK to launch two way, interactive live classes online and pioneered this platform for dance and fitness. In total, Flik and Victoria have spent a combined 40 years in prime shape at the top of the professional dance world. Added to this, their extensive qualifications in dance teaching and fitness training, it is evident that they have the ideal set of expertise to bring you a workout method that will reward you with a stunning physique.
We are also thrilled to announce an EXCLUSIVE WWCS member offer of 50% discount for three months of Sleek Ballet Fitness on their site and app. There is also a free 7-day trial of this programme. Use code WW50 at the checkout on and then download your free 28-day starter programme to seamlessly guide you through your workouts from beginner to Sleek advance.